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The Vision of the Tarotrevive

Beauty Practicality Durability

Over the years, following my love of the Tarot, I have collected and purchased over 1,000 vintage decks of cards and pictures from all over the world and have studied and restored them in depth.

Incorporating my expertise in old photo restoration, in the hope of one day bringing them back to life. The ancient tarot has a unique charm compared to the modern tarot. They are the product of time and have a natural mystique.

The restoration time for each deck ranges from about 3 months to 9 months, and requires many proof tests, the whole process is very complicated and labor intensive, thus ensuring that it can strike a delicate balance between modern aesthetics and historical authenticity, thus making you more comfortable when you use it.

In addition, the need to raise the initial funds for customization from a professional factory has resulted in a long lead time for the launch of new products on this site, so please don’t worry, we have decided to dedicate our lives to this endeavor, and it will come. Please be patient.

My hope is to recreate all the ancient decks that can be found at the moment, focusing mainly on the Tarot, but not only on it, but also on more beautiful decks of antiquity, French, Spanish suited playing cards. Beauty Practicality Durability,are what we’ve always wanted.

If you have suggestions for deck building, feel free to contact me via

Best regards!

Zhao Chen

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